
Somnio shoes – my perfect biomechanical shoes

Wednesday, May 4, 2011
You've been reading my status updates lately that I always complain my plantar fasciitis or that pain in my foot and heel whenever I go, travel or cover an event. My foot always get tired easily and the pain always drained my energy that’s why I go home early just to rest and sometimes I stay at home to recover for about 3 days just to let the pain go away. Its a tough problem and  hassle for me to have a painful foot and then I discovered that there are some errors on the way I stand, the posture I make, and the drop of my right foot on the ground is not flat, that’s one of the common errors of most people and we didn’t know about it.  (Read Full story below)

I first felt my foot errors when I tried a barefoot foot gear and It was very uncomfy for me to walk or run because the response of my legs are different and not balanced, its a big trouble for me and as I do lots of researched I found out that the pain in my heels are not that plantar fasciitis, I just got that pain because the pressure that I do in my foot are not balanced, so my weight goes too much on my left foot and the right one balances me, that’s why I always encounter a painful pinch under my left foot.

Thanks to Somnio shoes for giving me a correct balance using their new biomechanical shoes, for me its a foot pressure solution shoes and I know runners can understand this, and then now I love wearing my Somnio shoes everywhere I go, if you noticed I already ditched my Nike shoes and you see me wearing  this white rubber shoes or running shoes, that’s Somnio shoes. It sounds that I’m blogging a hard sell approach, but this is coming from my heart and I’ve been waiting for ages to solve my problems on how to get rid of those pain on my heels and correct my posture by putting some balancing cushion under the Somnio shoes.

Somnio shoes is just a new addition for the running shoes category and I heard that they will be releasing a new set for casual shoes after summer 2011, you should try this and buying one in a store is not just paying it over the counter, but there will be a series of test to know the errors on your leg and foot. During the launch with the bloggers about the Somnio shoes, Its weird to see a kind of running shoes that has this cushion inserted from the front and back of it, at first I thought that it is some kind of design, but later on I found out that the cushion gives more assistance to correct the pressure of your foot.

I tried the test and I’m very uncomfortable with it, I’ m glad that the promodizer of Somnio are very well trained to do the test and they are very informative on what they are doing, because they explain everything what will happen and what will be the result of our test. After doing the part 2 of the test, they discovered that I have this injury on my right foot, and I’m surprised that they found my foot error and without revealing to them my problems on my feet, they want to confirm this with me before proceeding to the next test and I told them that they are right, because my foot is badly beaten during the years I do inline skating and there are a lot of injuries happened before and I even fell off 3 foot stage, crippling myself for almost a month. Then they told me that Somnio will help me correct my foot problems and they say that the pain in my heels will be gone.

I gave them an evil smirk after saying that to me

But after getting the right data, viewing a video of my run on a thread mill , standing on one foot, bending my knees, and run with a Somnio shoes, there at the recorded video of the test of my leg and foot, I saw that on the first test without wearing a shoe, my legs and knees are running on a hard way, left goes to the left, right goes to the right and I saw that my foot on the right is not touching the ground flat. Then I saw the video of my legs again, wearing the Somnio shoes with cushions and varus wedges, I saw that my legs are straight and whoaaaaa!!!! I feel much better when I stand and walk wearing the Somnio shoes.

I did a series of test after owning a pair, I ran and even walk around, and use it as my primary shoes whenever I go out, I observed that the pain in my heels are gone, I felt a big comfort and now I no longer get tired easily. This is such a great shoes..I hope that everyone won’t get mad at me or even say that I’m doing a hard sell blog post, but I’m fucking telling the truth that based on my experience, this shoes really works well and it gave me solution to my foot problem. I now recommend Somnio shoes now, but I’m still open to try other running shoes just to compare it, but with Somnio shoes I feel that I can run in long mile,now its a good start for me to start and try some running sport. The Somnio shoe model that I’m wearing is a Pacemaker.

Somnio shoes are now available in GBX and Botique stores
Price per pair is around P8k

Here are some photos from the launch
A display of Somnio shoes, these are 2010 and 2011 models
Runaiisance 2.0 model
I like this neon green colored shoe

back view
front cushion
other models
A look again on that interchangeable cushions
My first glimpse of Somnio and I raised a lot of questions what are those cushion things for
A view of the shoe test area
Wedges and cushion are inserted
The cushion will help you fix your foot and balance problems
It was explained to us how it worked and the science behind the shoes… for me..its very innovative!
The apparatus with a laser pointer that can measure our foot size and the pressure we are giving
Arvin and Ed tries a treadmill run with Somnio shoes… and that’s me on the foot test

Here’s my video screen cap showed the look of my unbalanced legs without the shoes and how it was corrected with Somnio shoes
I’m wearing my Somnio Pacemaker shoes everytime I go out.


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