
Monday May day!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Its a busy month for me and I’m preparing lots of gimiks, events, brand campaigns, PR postings,reviews, personal journal, production notes and more wacky, crazy and fun ideas that I will soon materialize. I’m  trying to organize myself today and I’m thinking of moving out for awhile and focus on my work, but I’m not yet sure if that will work, But I need to focus more on some priorities that is needed for this month. I’m excited because it will be a new day for me to try out this new job that I’m working on, its much more different and into the professional level, I need to focus more on that because doing stuff on the underground makes me stick there forever and I think its time to move to the surface and start evolving.

I’m going to bury now the past and start to work on for the future. So busy today and I don’t know where should I start.  Ok, here are some list

1. World Bloggers Day – Manila event today
2. Prepare my slide presentation for tomorrow’s my instructor gig in a school
3. ToyCon stuff – do marketing, web promotion and management
4. Doing some social media marketing stuff for my clients
5. Settle some banking stuff
6. Plan for Ashton’s 1st birthday party
7. Conceptualize more on the new website/blog that I’m making
8. Contact my web developer
9. Organize more events
10. More more money….

I also forgot to add in my list above to cover some events, photo shoot and that planning stage and marketing for that new business event that I’m involved it. I’m going to announce that soon, but first..I need to finish these task and move on to the next stage. Lace is super busy too, just like me, but she’s more organized and having two assistants working here at home, wow. But my concern now is to get a new upgrade for a fast internet connection ,because my work is affected if ever I got a slow connection.

Also, I’m still stuck on deciding if I’ll get a day job or continue on this field of work.

hail Asgard!


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