
Pulling the plug of my April Fools joke out from my blog

Friday, April 1, 2011

I changed the blog layout of my blog last night and pretended that my blog will changed into a Fashion and Beauty blog site. It’s an April Fools Day joke for 2011 and many of my readers and also friends are surprised to see the big changes. I received phone calls and weird comments about it

”ha? ano nangyari”

other’s say “whooaaaa”

some people at iblog saw my blog and its funny to see their reactions

but now I’ll pull the plug and end the April fools joke.

but..thanks to some people who also shared their review that the logo banner of the phony blog title “Philippines Top Fashion and Beauty Blog” is nice hehehe.

but I’m so sorry…. the joke will run for a half a day only and that’s a yearly tradition here in my blog.
Azrael's Merryland- My Only Hope....._1301703037664

So sorry… to my Wife, who is a fashion and beauty blogger already banished me from the blogoshpere because of this internet joke…

I remember that years ago, I posted in my blog that I’ll quit blogging, then all my friends and including my clients called me on the phone to know the reason it, and the other years, my April fools joke landed also at ahhahah.

Ok.. April fools day are over.
its a fail and success act for 2011. hmm na joke na ba kayo?


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