
photo coverage: Scenes from #iblog7 : Philippine Blogging Summit 2011

Monday, April 4, 2011


With my busy schedule, I got a time to attend the day 1 session of iBlog 7: Philippine Blogging Summit 2011 in Malcolm Theater in College of Law, U.P. Diliman. I went there to take photo coverage of the event and also listened to the speakers about blogging, I did miss the most highlighted part which is the forum about the proposal for a Philippine Bloggers Association.

check out the photos below

a P4011128_stitch Here’s my panoramic photo view during Howie Severino of GMA 7 talk about “Blogging in the time of Facebook”

a P4011175_stitch Here’s my panoramic view at the back of the audience (click on the image to view the large version of the photo)

I arrived late at around 11am and I thought that I missed Earth’s panel talk on stage, after I arrive in the hall, I sat infront and started to listen and record all the talks and forum in my Flip Camera. Earth’s topic that day is about “Blogging with Integrity” , her talk and slides are now uploaded at - Complete Text & Slides Of My iBLog7 Talk Topic: Blogger Etiquette

One of the host of iBlog 7

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Here’s Regnard Raquedan narrate a fairy tale story about social media. You can read his talk over his blog - The Princess and The Wizards: A Social Media Story

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Carlo Ople gave a talk about “10 power tips in blogging”, and wow! I learned a lot from him, especially that I need to use and learn Powerpoint hahaha. I’m so lazy in using Powerpoint, I’m more comfortable in making my slides in Photoshop and here from his talk, Powerpoint is a must! Learned from him about push and pull of content using social media buttons in blogs and got me inspired to fix our FB page using a nice layout of FBML. His examples like TV5 Fanpage, blog and his blog is very helpful for sharing, also at the forum corner, I like what he said “Walang basagan ng trip!”  ahaaha. astig!
Topic of his talk is now uploaded  - 10 Power Blogging Tips (iBlog 7 Presentation)

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One of my favorite session in iBlog is lunch time! Its networking time while I stand in a long line to get my meal. I met new bloggers and my blog readers here. Here’s a photo of Flowell sitting at the registration table and a photo with Florencio Jusay Jr.

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Tall and sexy Samsung models are preparing to lure us with the Samsung Galaxy Tab, they roam around the venue and show how the tablet works. Here’s Fitz Villafuerte wearning his custom made shirt “Pinoy Blogger” with a background of lots of keyword clouds, and also his partner Don doing another photo bomb hahaha.

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At the table, my seatmate is one of the guy from Sogo Hotels, and here’s a surprise appearance from Micamyx, kala ko nasa Europe pa sya…andito na pala sya

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Photo shoot with Sarah Cada and Micamyx after lunch time. Jonel Uy is so serious here again in blogging on the spot.

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Met some bloggers here, all of them are busy listening to the talk of the speakers on stage, some of them are live tweeting, live blogging, and live Facebooking.  Janette Toral is like our captain in a big ship, as she navigates and control the program proper of the iBlog 7 for us.

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Before my camera runs out of juice, I took a quick photo shoot inside with the audience and speakers,  I left the venue after Howie’s talk, I need to teleport myself to Makati in 30 minutes and I can’t believe that I made it on time for my meeting there. Howie is a great speaker for that day as journalist blogger.

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I found this paper with the hashtag keyword on the table…. and here’s a guy wearing an elephant head gear.

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Saying good bye for iBlog 7… sayang at I missed day 2 too. Here’s my self photo as I walked out of the venue

a P4011202_stitch And a panoramic view on the street as I wait for taxi cab. Infront is the Sunken Garden, and on the right side is the path to Malcolm Building.

Oh yay! see you next year for iBlog 8


If you want to know more about day 2 of iblog7, then check the coverage of my sister  - iBlog7: I'm a Blogger. And You?

also there’s a funny moment here that I didn’t know that they projected my tweet that day and my tweet is about my reason for not attending day 2.



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